It’s time to move forward and time to move on!
It’s very freeing when you can let things go and say, “God, I messed up, but You’re my vindicator. I had a huge disappointment, I was in a very bad situation, but I know You’ll use those things to my advantage. I lost a loved one, I miss them, but I’m not going to live the rest of my life sad and depressed. I know they’re with You, and You have a new beginning for me.”
That’s how you beat bitterness. You guard your heart. You don’t let what’s going on the outside get on the inside. Lord, Your will, not mine. When we truly allow the Lord to be THE LORD of our lives, the crooked road becomes straighter and the path becomes brighter. Sometimes this type of attitude is counterintuitive, but the Lord specializes in not allowing circumstances of this world to dictate our lives.
We trust you Lord, with our hearts, minds and souls!