One of the biggest responsibilities of a parent is to create an appetite in their children for God.
It is not enough to just take them to church and have them in youth groups if an appetite for God is never created in them from the home. They have to personally “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8).
The real battle they will face is the menu they choose from, and from the Garden of Eden until now, menu items are displayed before young men and women awaiting their choices.
Will their main course consist of a constant appetite for popularity, material possessions, money, physical pleasure, achievement, etc. or will they genuinely crave to partake of all that God, the Grand Chef has prepared?
As is the case with all diets, what our children choose to sustain them will have long lasting effects that in time will prove to be wise or foolish. The question all parents and grandparents must answer is, how can we create an appetite if we don’t have one ourselves? How can someone believe the Lord is good if we don’t personally desire to partake in generous portions?
Maybe this is the real “hunger games” with everything at stake.