Often our struggle as Christians is not in deciding whether we should obey Christ but in obeying immediately.
We may acknowledge our need to follow Christ and commit ourselves to do what He has told us. Yet when God reveals His will to us, that is the time to obey.
Timing our obedience is crucial!
Invitations from God come with a limited opportunity to respond. Some opportunities to serve Him, if not accepted immediately , will be lost.
Occasions to minister to others may pass us by. When God invites us to intercede for someone, it may be critical that we stop what we are doing and immediately adjust our lives to what God is doing.
Missing opportunities to serve the Lord can be tragic. When an invitation comes from God, the time to respond is NOW.
“So then, be careful how you walk, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15