“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Matt. 11:15
Watching a baseball game is not only fun but gives a great illustration.
For example, it is insightful to watch the unique activity that continually goes on between the pitcher and the catcher. The pitcher is active as he delivers the ball towards home. The catcher likewise is active to position himself to receive the pitch that is thrown towards him. Neither player is passive. That is when it dawned on me that hearing the voice of God is not a passive thing either. All of us want to hear His voice so we can be right in the middle of His will, an active part in what He is doing. But the active part doesn’t just begin when we hear, but before, so we can hear.
It is not just sending our prayer up to God and waiting passively. We must be actively involved to receive what He has to say by preparation and position.
Faith makes us keep our eyes open toward Him and we are looking for the delivery of the answer. If we are not prepared to hear what He has to say then it will be missed.
God knows how to deliver the pitch in response to what we have given Him. But, are we actively ready each moment, looking in faith to receive it?