I remember reading a little fable that had great meaning in my life. It had to do with how birds got their wings.
“Birds were first made without wings.
Then God made the wings and put them down before the wingless birds and said to them, “Come, take up these burdens and bear them.”
The birds had lovely plumage and sweet voices; they could sing, but they could not soar in the air. They hesitated at first when bidden to take up the burdens that lay at their feet, but soon they obeyed, and taking up the wings in their beaks, laid them on their shoulders to carry them.
For a little while the load seemed heavy and hard to bear, but presently, as they went on carrying the burdens, folding them over their hearts, the wings grew fast to their little bodies, and soon they discovered how to use them, and were lifted by them up into the air — the weights became wings.” (Streams in the Desert)
It teaches us that as we lift our burdens and bind them to our hearts it will not be long before they have trained us to soar. “We shall mount up on wings as eagles.” (Isa. 40:31)