Pastor Bob Barnett
Read moreIf you are in the middle of a great struggle, it may lead to the moment where you realize deliverance cannot happen in your own strength…
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Pastor Bob Barnett
From Crooked to Straight
Read moreWe must always remember that God takes sinners like you and me and makes us right. He takes dirt and pollution and transforms them into holiness. He takes the crooked thing and makes it straight. He takes the tangles of our lives and weaves something new, so that we emerge singing Hallelujah. We love God, not because we’ve been so good, but because He is so good, and His mercy endures forever…
Pastor Bob Barnett
Give Hugs!
Read more“So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.” Luke 15:20…
Pastor Bob Barnett
Read moreA few weeks back I preached a mid-week sermon on Peter stepping out in faith…
Pastor Bob Barnett
“How are you?” I asked with a SMILE!
Read moreI am often asked why I try to greet each person I encounter with a smile…
Pastor Bob Barnett
How Can a Loving God Allow This?
Read moreIf you base your view of God’s love on your circumstances, you will become confused…
Pastor Bob Barnett
Read moreThere are going to be times in life when we will not come out of the lion’s den without teeth marks or the fiery furnace without some burns…
- Pastor Bob Barnett
Pastor Bob Barnett
A New Church in Haiti
Read moreLast Sunday, Ryan Fawley shared some interesting and inspiring details regarding his recent missionary trip to Haiti…
- Pastor Bob Barnett
Author archive for Pastor Bob Barnett
Seekers Chapel > Articles by: Pastor Bob Barnett