Pastor Bob Barnett
Faith and Friends
Read moreIt has been said, “Be careful how you treat others on the way up, because they are the same people you’ll meet on your way down…”
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Pastor Bob Barnett
Total Victory Over Circumstances
Read moreGod is in total control of your circumstances; He can change them at any time and in any way!…
Pastor Bob Barnett -
Pastor Bob Barnett -
Pastor Bob Barnett -
Pastor Bob Barnett
Movers and Shakers
Read moreThe real Christian life is lived on a steady diet of obedience and service,,,
Pastor Bob Barnett -
Pastor Bob Barnett -
Pastor Bob Barnett
I Want to be Remembered
Read more“There is no remembrance of men of old, and even those who are yet to come…
Pastor Bob Barnett
Your Core Values
Read more“Determine what is worth more and what is worth less than life and you’ll find your core values…”
Author archive for Pastor Bob Barnett
Seekers Chapel > Articles by: Pastor Bob Barnett