In Acts 17, Paul traveled to Athens as directed by God. As he walked the streets, he noticed there were idols everywhere. In fact he said in Acts 17, he struggled to find a man amongst all the idols!…
Pastor Bob BarnettNO DISTRACTIONS!!
Read moreGREETINGS! We have just celebrated Jesus’ birth 2020! Some would say they are excited to see 2020 go…never to think of this year again amidst Covid and seclusion challenges…
Pastor Bob BarnettARE WE HUNGRY FOR GOD?
Read moreMatthew 15:21-28 shares the account of the Syrophoenician woman who approached Jesus with her need…
Pastor Bob Barnett“JESUS WEPT.”
Read moreWHAT A WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING WE HAVE HAD! Despite the situation the world faces with Covid, we know we have hope in our Lord Jesus Christ!…
Pastor Bob BarnettLOVE NEVER FAILS
Read moreThe old song, What the World Needs Now is Love…” made popular by Jackie DeShannon in 1965, is a message needed so desperately today…not the superficial love that comes and goes with circumstances, but the love that is unconditional–the better or for worse, richer or for poorer kind of love…
Pastor Bob Barnett