Then Pilate said to HIm, “Do you not hear how many things they testify against You?” And He did not answer him with regard to even a single charge, so that the governor was quite amazed.” Matt. 27:13-14
This is the example Christ set for Christians of all ages. Think of it. The mighty, omnipotent Son of God whose single word brought the universe into existence, chose to remain calm and silent. How many of us in a similar circumstance would have felt “called to preach,” to justify, to take matters into our own hands and “set things straight?”
This was one of the most incredible pictures of Divine strength. It is the reminder that the battles of life are not ours; they are the Lord’s. It is not that God has not given us a voice, but that we have faith in Him who gave us a voice. Jesus would speak, and when He did the words continue to echo for eternity. His words and His blood would never pour forth without great purpose and perfect timing.