“I know your deeds. See, I have put before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept My word and have not denied My name.” Revelation 3:8 NIV
Little strength and great opportunity go hand in hand. This church Jesus addressed in Revelation was small and had little in the way of money or influential people. But they had great faith. And here is the lesson for all of us: you may not be as wise or as eloquent as someone else, and you may not have the money or influence. You may not have the education or the social connections. But this you can have…you can trust the Lord just as well as any one else.
What is it that God honors: FAITH!
What is He looking for: FAITH!
What does He reward? FAITH!
And how much faith does He require? Not much. Faith no bigger than a mustard seed. Not the faith of many years of experience or surrounded by deep knowledge. God honors the faith of a child, simple faith.
And what does Jesus say about this church?
“You kept My Word. You have not denied My Name.”
That is the reason this church is so honored by Jesus and commended by His words. Before them is an open door of opportunity, and it can be entered into with little strength according to man, but childlike faith according to God.
God bless you! ~Pastor Bob Barnett