How are things right now? Going well? When things go our way in life, we can “feel” like the Lord is really close to us. In fact, we “feel” He is blessing us in ways we can’t even imagine! It’s almost as if we are on a spiritual high!
But when distractions, challenges, and circumstances cause a turn for the worse, we may “feel” spiritually dry. Or we may “feel” like God just isn’t talking to us, nor is He with us. We go into our “default” mode of searching for answers in the Internet or “help” books.
How do we steady our emotions and our faith in the Lord each and every day?
It’s actually through the discipline of reading God’s Word and praying to the Lord each day. When we “feel” surrounded and engulfed by negativity and circumstances we “didn’t sign up for,” God’s blessings will overtake us when we put our faith solely in Him.
Even if we read the Word through blurred tears, and we talk to the Lord between sobs or moody phrases, He will hear us, and His answers will bless us. (Deuteronomy 28:2)
God bless you~Love, Pastor Bob