The more you read the Bible, the better you will hear the Lord speaking to you.
Often Im asked, How will I know if the Lord has heard my prayer and how will I recognize His voice speaking to me?
Spending time daily in the Word of God will develop and strengthen your relationship with the Lord, which in turn, gives you confidence in knowing the Lord will answer your prayers. Often He speaks to us through the Scriptures, and the more familiar you are with Bible, the more comfortable you will be in reading His Word and strengthening your relationship with Him.
Did you know that generally the first seventeen books in the Old Testament are historical (Genesis through Esther), the next five books are poetical (Job through Song of Solomon), and the next seventeen books are prophetical (Isaiah through Malachi)?
The historical books give a historical timeline for the nation of Israel; poetry is found in the poetical books; and prophecy regarding Israel is included in the last seventeen books.
Often, we assume the Old Testament is one huge long story about Israel that flows from one book to the next, but the storyline is mostly contained in the first seventeen books.
Of the twenty-seven New Testament books, there are three different kinds of books, all of which focus on Christian doctrine: Historical or the first five books (the four Gospels and Acts), Pauline Epistles or the next thirteen books (letters written by Paul), and General letters or the next nine books (generic letters).
God bless you and you spend more time in the Word of God this year. I know you will deepen your walk with Him.