For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; in the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock.” Psalm 27:5
Chuck Swindoll has said that confidence does not mean “self confidence.”
It doesn’t mean human cleverness.
It doesn’t even mean being smarter than other people.
It means “to be secure,” “to have assurance.”
In David’s day, the imagery of being in “a dwelling place” meant being surrounded by protection. What David was saying was that when he walked out into each day, not knowing where the spears were coming from, he knew he was in the security of God’s tent and under God’s protection.
He understood that to be intimidated meant he was more conscious of the attackers than of the Lord. God promises us His presence, and that we can count on Him through all threatening situations. David reminds us to trust in the Lord and He will lift us up above the threat and set us in secure safety.