A few weeks back I preached a mid-week sermon on Peter stepping out in faith and walking on water.(Matthew 14:28-31)
What happened to Peter can happen to any of us. For a brief moment, he forgets about Jesus and remembers who he is and where he is. When he lost his concentration on Jesus, he began to sink.
As he goes down into the water, he prays one of the shortest prayers in the Bible: “Lord, save me!” (v. 30) The Bible says that immediately Jesus reached out his hand and lifted him up. His words to Peter are very important. “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31). In our English version, “You of little faith” comes out to four words. But in the Greek Jesus only used one word: “Little-faith.” It’s a title or a nickname. Jesus called Peter “Little-Faith.” “Little-faith, why did you doubt?”
When Jesus called Peter “Little-Faith,” he was not rebuking Peter for attempting too much, but for trusting too little. Do you see the difference? Jesus is not saying, “Peter, you should have stayed in the boat.” To the contrary, Jesus is really saying, “Peter, if you had just kept your eyes on me, you could have walked across the whole sea.”
Have you given up? Are you trusting too little because of the circumstances of life? Call to Him and He will lift you up and get you focusing on the right things.