Christians are the Lights of this world! We are His Living Witnesses. Sometimes, though, we feel we need to be silent because we don’t want to “rock the boat” or offend an unbeliever. Sometimes we might even be a bit afraid to “stand out” in a crowd because we are different.
In Acts 18, Paul arrived in Corinth, a city with zero moral boundaries. Corinth was known as the city of sexuality and self-indulgence. Paul witnessed to his fellow Jews about the risen Christ, but he was shunned and demeaned.
In a vision, God told him to “not be afraid anymore.” This indicates Paul, at times, also felt fear because he “stood out” and was different from the crowd. So instead, Paul went to the Gentiles and preached the Gospel, and many were converted to Christ!
If you are alone and on the verge of being silenced, remember Christians are God’s Living Witnesses, and we do not need to fear what the world might say against us. The Lord is telling us to not fear, but to have confidence in the power of Christ in our lives!