“But Peter said, I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: in the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene–walk!” Acts 3:6
Paul wrote that “the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power.” I Corinthians 4:20 Yet, so many believers work hard to have a life that is never in need of miracles. Like the lame beggar, the reasonable thing is a momentary tin cup of money, when the miraculous is a complete solution to the whole problem. Why do we need the miracle of salvation through Christ, and then want a life absent of the need of the miraculous?
Human efficiency is more sought after than God’s sufficiency. We want crops instead of daily manna, victories but no confrontations with giants or overwhelming armies. We would rather have smooth seas without ever hearing the voice of God still a storm, or sponsors, who would fund the feeding of thousands, instead of multiplying a child’s lunch leaving baskets of left-overs.
Yes, it is intimidating to stare at the impossible, and yet faith-building to learn that nothing is impossible with God. It is in the miraculous moments that we become so aware of God’s presence–when there is no other explanation but Him. That is where we are to dwell. Abiding in Him sees the intertwining of natural with supernatural, leaving a humbling sense of awe.
Remember, all the great heroes in the Bible faced the impossible only to discover the true power of a loving God. He is there for us as well.
~Love Pastor Bob