GREETINGS! We have just celebrated Jesus’ birth 2020! Some would say they are excited to see 2020 go…never to think of this year again amidst Covid and seclusion challenges.
But one woman in our congregation sent me a text in which she expressed her personal joy she found during the shut downs. She found something we all covet…TIME! During the lockdowns, she found more time with her family, more time for herself, and more time with the Lord.
In fact, she indicated the distractions were fewer during the lockdowns. There were no “what-ifs” like “what if we take a quick trip this weekend”…too risky. There were no “what if we go to this amusement park”…they were closed.
Instead she and her family played games together, put puzzles together and just…talked a lot more than usual. They talked more about the Lord and who He is in their lives. So in a strange way, she credits Covid with bringing her family closer to the Lord…that deeper bond we all long for.Those pesky distractions left as quickly as they usually appear!
As we approach 2021, thank the Lord for His guidance and seek His peace in your life. Give all those distractions to Him and ask Him to lead you as to what each step of your day entails!
“…the one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead.” Philippians 3:13