“And He went a little beyond them, and fell to the ground, and began to pray.” Mark 14:35
I have noticed over the many years of ministry the differing responses to the Lord.
A good illustration of this is seen in how people responded the night in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus cried out to the Father regarding what was lying ahead.
There were those who were so indifferent that they had no knowledge that Jesus was even in the garden. There was Judas who knew where Jesus was, but was so busy with his own schemes and other loyalties that he could not be with Him. And then there were the disciples who joined Jesus in the garden, but were distracted by sleep. Though Jesus had told them the urgency of the hour they did not comprehend it.
What Jesus was looking for were followers who would go just a little further in their understanding of Him and His purposes. To do so would mean they had to be willing to yield themselves to His will and from their heart grasp the bigger picture. He wanted them to join Him in a sacred moment which would change all eternity.
To this day the Lord seeks those followers who will go just a little further than others in order to share the deep things of God. They go further in their searching into His word, and further in their personal times of prayer, and further in their consistent worship of Him and fellowship with his children. Because they go further they will behold things that only others will hear about second hand.
I remember many years ago when my father wanted me to see a meteor shower late one night. To do so you had to stay up late and take a journey down our street to a wooded area where there were no street lights. At 1:00 AM he awoke me, since I had fallen asleep on the couch, and wanted to know if I still wanted to go with him. Though I was tempted to say no something told me that I would really be missing out if I didn’t go. When most everyone else in the neighborhood slept I had the privilege of seeing an incredible display that I will never forget. It wasn’t just seeing the meteors but it was the fellowship of seeing it with my Dad that made it even more magnificent.
In my mind that is what we miss when our personal busy-ness, distractions, and other loyalties take us away from time with Him.