There are going to be times in life when we will not come out of the lion’s den without teeth marks or the fiery furnace without some burns. In Galatians 6:17 Paul wrote that he carried in his body the scars from the persecutions he faced because he was a Christian. He endured floggings, beatings, and imprisonments for his faith, and considered himself blessed to be considered worthy to suffer for His name.
God will sometimes deliver us from trials, and on other occasions deliver us through them.
When John saw Jesus in heaven at the right hand of the Father, He appeared as a “lamb as if slain” revealing that He still bore the scars of His suffering for us (Rev. 3:5).
All this is to remind us that often it is not a weakness in our faith that has left us a bit scarred in body, soul, and spirit. Many times it is a sign of our faith.