November 29, 2021 Pastor Bob Barnett

For many of us, grace is hard to accept, hard to believe, and hard to receive.

We have been so conditioned to have the same type of skepticism we have when a telemarketer tells us, “I’m not trying to sell you anything. I just want to offer you a free trip to Hawaii.” We automatically wonder, “What’s the catch?” because we have all learned to never trust in something that sounds too good to be true.

As we study the Bible we learn that grace is a gift that costs everything to the Giver and nothing to the receiver. It is given to those  who don’t deserve it, barely recognize it, and hardly appreciate it. And as I study, I am constantly convicted that God is so much more gracious than I am. I know this because if the truth were told God saves people I wouldn’t save if I were God. He blesses people I wouldn’t bless, and uses people I wouldn’t use. And that is why I stand in awe of God, and for the sake of the world, I am glad He is God and I am not!

He is “the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” Exodus 34:6

Comment (1)

  1. Benjamin L Mitchell 3 years ago

    Such a touching message about grace. God is so good to us!
    Μαρανα θα!

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