“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, so that He may be with you forever; the Helper is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him; but you know Him because He remains with you and will be in you.” John 14:16-17
When Jesus was on earth His presence could only be experienced by a few at any given time. Now Christ can dwell in our heart and we can experience His presence working within us and through us if we have invited Him to come into our lives and be Savior and Lord. There are many who have a difficult time believing in the power of the Holy Spirit to work in and through them because He is not someone we can see or physically feel. This however should not be the reason to doubt His presence in our lives.
Walter Knight tells a story about a little boy who had recently received Christ. “Daddy, how can I believe in the Holy Spirit when I have never seen Him?” asked Jim. “I’ll show you,” said his father, who was an electrician. Later in the day Jim went with father to the power plant where he was shown the generators. “This is where the power comes from to heat our home and give us light. We cannot see the power, but it is in the machine and in the power lines,” said the father. “Well, I believe in electricity,” said Jim. “Of course, you do,” said his father, “but you don’t believe in it because you see it. You believe in it because you see what it can do. Likewise you can believe in the Holy Spirit because you see what He does in people’s lives the they are surrendered to Christ and allow His power to move to and through them.
The key word in the above story that illustrates the power of the Holy Spirit is the word “surrendered.”
In the same way that there are substances that resist the flow of electricity, we too can resist the work and power of the Holy Spirit. We can either resist Him or in a sense be a good conductor of His power. It is our choice to allow His power to work in and through us by saying everyday, “Your will be done in and through me today.”