“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Ps. 34:1
There are two keys that unlock the windows of heaven.
They are praise and prayer.
Peter, Paul, and Silas all learned that these keys can set us free from impossible circumstances.(Acts 12,16) What it did for Peter and Paul and Silas it can do for us no matter where the confinement may be.
I believe there is no more wretched a captive than a worrying Christian whose song has been stilled by Satan or by the circumstances of a fallen world. Mrs. Charles E. Cowman says, “The song of praise and the voice of prayer would open the prison for him, even though it be midnight in the soul.”
Today is a day to pray and sing knowing His same presence and power to deliver Peter, Paul and Silas is here right now. He is willing, ready, and able to show Himself strong on your behalf.