“If God is with us, who is against us?” He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with him freely give us all things?” Romans 8:31-32
God is for you! He is on your side. All the time. And “all the time” includes right now. God is not a fair-weathered being. He doesn’t offer His love and comfort to you only when you are doing everything right and your attitude toward him is perfect. you don’t have to earn your Heavenly Father’s loyalty-and you won’t lose it just because you make a mistake. You have been created with a purpose in life-a purpose uniquely suited to your talents and temperament. And God is committed to seeing you fulfill that purpose. He isn’t watching you from on high hoping to see you fail . He is right beside you cheering you on, comforting you through failure, encouraging you through adversity. Because God is for you and instructing you, you will ultimately have your hand raised in victory. Like Gideon, you are His champions. ~Love, Pastor Bob