A man had been born blind, forced to spend his life begging for his livelihood. Then one day Jesus put clay on his eyes, sent him to wash, and he saw. (John 9: 1-38)
I wonder why nobody —-nobody at all — praised God.
Were they all too preoccupied with their own concerns? The disciples were wrapped up in a theological question: Why was this man born blind? The Pharisees were worried about a legal question: What authority had Jesus to heal, especially on the Sabbath? The man’s parents were anxious about a personal issue: How can we avoid being ostracized by the synagogue? Even the man himself was initially concerned only with what happened to him.
This story is truly about blindness. Everybody in it is blind — to Jesus. Yet there He is, restoring sight. The man who was once blind finally sees who Jesus really is and immediately worships Him.
I can confess there have been times that I have been so preoccupied that I have been blind to the miracles around me, and the result being diminished heartfelt worship. Please Lord, help us to wash the dirt out of our eyes that we may see.