“And taking the blind man by the hand, He brought him out of the village;” Mark 8:23
When I think of this picture of Jesus leading a blind man down the street many thoughts come to mind. That blind man represents each one of us in our sinful lost state. There, in the midst of a world of great beauty, the man was not able to see anything. Up till then the man was groping in the gloom and darkness of his situation unable to find his way alone. He would have perished in that state unless someone takes him by the hand and leads him.
In the same way Jesus came to this man in his blindness, so has He come to each one of us, offering to take us by the hand. He first gives us stability, then direction, leading us through the darkness and the dangers to the place of healing where we can finally see Him.
Our task in our journey is to trust His guiding hand as He leads us to the place of our healing. From the place of healing everything becomes so clear.
Comment (1)
Amen, honoring and moving service about friendship, an honoring Pastor Rob and Karen. I choked up a few times. Truly, these kinds of friends you are in sync with always whether it’s been minutes or years until you see them. Paul said “I long for you with the affection of Jesus Christ!” A revival of the Holy Soirit will be, in the place it happens, be observed by an uptick in dedicated and enthusiastic friendship! Have a great and blessed week Pastor Bob!