Philippians 1:6 (“He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus”) not only teaches us that our salvation began with God, but that He takes personal responsibility for completing His work in us.
Nothing will block the accomplishment of the divine purpose He has for us.
At the moment we may not look like much, but God is not finished yet.
There is good news and bad news in this truth.
The good news is that since God isn’t finished yet, we have a great hope for the future.
The bad news is that since God isn’t finished yet, He won’t let us stay as we are today. He’s going to keep chipping away at us until we are conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
No matter how far you feel away from the goal, remember this one fact. It’s better to be six inches from hell headed toward heaven than six inches from heaven headed toward hell. Direction makes all the difference.