A mother visits the school where her kindergarten son attends. The mother has felt a little bit threatened because he so loves his new teacher and talks about her constantly.
During recess she stands next to the teacher and discusses her child’s progress. Her little boy is swinging from the monkey bars and falls hard. He gets up crying and runs towards his mom and teacher. Now the little boy loves his teacher, but when he approachers them, to whom will he look for comfort? He wouldn’t stop and think; he would run into his mom’s arms. The pain he experienced created an honest moment where his true affection was revealed.
Now think. When you went through some suffering…..a job was lost, a relationship ended, test results were not what you had hoped for, provision wasn’t the amount you had dreamed…..When you experienced the pain, where did you turn? The answer to that question reveals your heart’s true devotion.
John 6:37, NIV
“All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.”
Thank you Lord because you are always waiting for us with open arms.
Thank you Lord because no one who hopes in you will be put to shame.
Thank you Lord for the reminder that we are precious to God.
Thank you Lord because you are always there.
May we always run to you!
May we always wait on you!
May we always trust in you!