“And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God.” Luke 1:30
When God chose Mary He was also choosing to reveal Himself through the fabric and framework of humankind. Mary was a common member of humanity tainted by the Fall of Man as any other, yet chosen to be the vehicle of God’s expression of grace.
As Jack Hayford has said many times from the pulpit, “God’s redemptive promise was brought to her, to grow in her, to be delivered through her, to change the world around her.”
Mary was the person to set the stage so that we too can fulfill our part in delivering to this world all that God’s grace affords. Though what happens through us is not biological as is was in Mary’s case, God is looking for human vessels through whom He can further His redemptive purposes.
May this Christmas rekindle the awareness of the unique call God has put on each one of us to carry the message and deliver the good news to a suffering world.