“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Matthew 6:10
God does not accept the status quo! Do you want proof?
He sent His own Son into the world to change the status quo. What the prophets couldn’t accomplish with their words, His Son accomplished by the Incarnation.
At Bethlehem, God sent a message to the world- “Things are going to change.” If things were okay, why did God send his Son? But things weren’t okay. They were wrong, dreadfully wrong and getting worse all the time.
So God intervened in human history in the most dramatic fashion possible. To pray “Your will be done” is to follow God in opposing the status quo. This prayer goes against the grain. In a world where God’s will is not done, you are to pray that God’s will be done. Those are fighting words, words that rebel against everything that is evil and wrong on planet earth.
All too often when we pray “Your will be done,” we do it with an air of pious resignation. “O God, since I am helpless to stem the tide of events, may your will be done.” Sometimes we use it as an excuse not to get angry at the sin and suffering all around us.
To pray “Your will be done,” was never meant to be spoken from weakness but in strength, in opposition to everything the fallen flesh and evil can inspire!