Matthew 15:21-28 shares the account of the Syrophoenician woman who approached Jesus with her need. As Jesus desired to rest, the woman approached Jesus…not with mere words, but she began persistently shouting at Him, asking Him to heal her daughter who was plagued with demons.
Her loud behavior annoyed the disciples, and they tried to send her away from Him. Jesus didn’t respond to the woman right away, and even challenged her by telling her He was sent to the Jews…but she persisted in her request for her daughter. She didn’t give up. Jesus recognized her faith in Him and healed her daughter even though He was some distance from her.
In our urgent requests to the Lord, we are to BE LOUD! We can “SHOUT” at Him in a reverend way, yet “mean business” when we pray! Keep praying! Don’t stop! Don’t shy away and think He isn’t hearing your prayers. Show the Lord your persistent faith…never stop talking to Him!