Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Gal. 6:10
I recently read the story about a man at a toll booth who instead of paying the normal one-dollar toll, gave the worker a five dollar bill and paid for the next four cars behind him. When the next car pulled up, the toll booth operator told the driver, “Your toll has already been paid by somebody in front of you.” This happened so frequently that it eventually made it into the news. People talked about how that small act of kindness helped brighten the day of many who on their way home were discouraged, frustrated, or just plain stressed out.
That moment helped them arrive home less uptight and irritated. What would our world be like if we would fight off the trend that wants us to be narcissistic? ( egotistic: characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance)
People are never happy who live only for themselves for they end up being their only admirers. Be proactive and look for some way to bless someone today.