When God was dividing the land among the Israelites, the people were asking for lush valleys and grassy plains.
Caleb asked for a mountain.
The Israelites had driven their enemies into the mountains, where they built fortresses. This did not intimidate Caleb— he asked for the challenge. He did not trust in his own strength but in God’s presence. Caleb longed to see God’s power, and knew he would be less likely to rely on God if he dwelt in easy places.
He chose a situation in which he would have to trust God. Caleb knew his inheritance from God was on the mountain. He refused to allow the difficulty of gaining it stop him from enjoying all that God had promised him. (See Joshua 14:12)
Comments (4)
Or to move mountains- this refers to politics but is about truth and love which cannot be separated, about discernment and true power. It includes subject matter about Obama but does not accuse or affirm, but goes deeper than politics while not discounting them.
To a firefighter friend:
I corrected my spelling, repost:
I didn’t know at first why God put me with a bunch of millennials and a multi- generational workforce team. I love my team and my work in IT Service, but I always knew I could make 2x as much, but felt led to stay put.
Now I see how I am working and in demand , while many suffer without work, but more importantly my job has taught me the latest technology, how to investigate and uncover the real issue at hand, and fix it for 30-50 people per day, and to stay on top of each generation. Before this started I thought of writing a book on multi- generational teams and their generational importance and contributions – maybe doing seminars, and maybe promoting school curriculum. But maybe most of all, I learned how to communicate in ways that resonate truth to each generation in their language. Then the pandemic.
I am not the only one God is speaking to, I have asked for billions to be awoken to Him and to sound triple check, investigative thinking.
About the Obama clip, and stay with me because it’s grievous, but the complexity becomes simpler as you will see.
First, Censorship sucks and you will see truths prevented. We know this.
But, In this case, Obama in the full speech talked about the power of the people and this clip was a contrast of how not to think, which he was using as a no no analogy. His speech was not what was portrayed.
But interestingly,
Someone cleverly clipped it to make it sound like he believes in severe government control. But he did not say that here. I found copies of the full clip. He said the opposite.
I am not convinced that because the clip was bogus that he doesn’t support more control either; patriotic flowers get one in the door, so they can bring a another agenda sometimes….
Politicians don’t usually surface the submarine until they have a workable majority present
But, this is not an open violation, so what then was this out of context video clip about?
So here are reasons this can happen:
1) someone who opposes Obama and his thinking/agenda wants a firestorm and/or
2) someone likes attention or rabble rousing, or pranking (and actually may be on the right or left) — and is like an arson watcher
3) Don’t leave this MOST important one out! So dangerous!—- A person or group wants to discredit an opposing party so they either post/publish or plant a juicy piece (which is bunk) pretending to be the opposite party, or they cleverly feed and incite someone from the opposing party to post the bunk, which then goes viral to: 1) destroy the opposing party’s credibility, 2) cause division 3) cause a backlash to make those who believed it look stupid 4) justify more truth monitoring of controls – which in the short run sounds wise and safer, but in the long run leaves greater power with the govt in charge at that later time.
We know this smell, yes more than just faulted humans as we all are, but Satanic powers inciting division, deception, dilution, doubt, delay and distraction from goodness and the good fruit and salt which save believers but also strengthen the foundations and preserve society
I’ve been learning also about cancel culture, where now seemingly there can never be two wrongs don’t make a right, nope…. the one who makes a better social media case or better zaps and gets more trending wins, like a Roman coliseum online. Truth seeking is replaced by hot button pushing.
No matter who it comes from we have to say Really? Is this valid? We have to ask questions, answer questions, question answers – shake the tree a bit more than before
We can complain about better times, respectful society, Mr Rogers, MLK, and Happy Days, but if we are really gonna fight, then we have to be up on our toes delivering the enemy blows
Speaking the truth in love, not letting truth and love be separated — for they cannot be separated when they emanate from His kingdom come on earth be done with heavenly impartation in any situation
When 2 or more begin praying along this line, watch out, and greater works shall they do. Paul did as much or more from prison than from freedom
This is the message!
Love you my brother fighter
Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world…From 2014 and I pray in all places where true freedom is sought
Pastor Bob, You are one of the best I have ever known among people, men, pastors, leaders, God listeners, sincere students, fathers, friends, peacemakers, protectors, passion and purpose builders — I have ever known. The sane can be said for your crew. The church and world have all benefitted by you, your family, those you’ve led and taught and even those who went afar off, to new Godsteads, or to lose their bearings, if they are capable of liberating honesty — they would have to acknowledge the powerful contribution you made to the key moments of their life, the Lord used you through. He is pure and patient, but just. Mercy triumphs, but judgement reigns in His Hand, righteously. You have a beautiful wait upon the Lord about you that is not hesitancy, but hearancy and the pursuit of preservable goodness (creating that which is of substance which thrives and not only does not spoil, but eradicates spoiling). I am so honored by knowing you. We are different, and thank God how each of us are unique patchwork of the garment of His bride. Greater honor to the least, for sure. Through all of the recent challenge and clamor, to raise the volume, the enemy may appear to be center stage, but frankly he is still at the edge withstood, yes here, but outside, by God’s mighty hand and host. The Spirit and Bride say Come — that’s a great and wonderful invitation. There are a few joyous celebrations and dances for her left to enjoy at, near and upon this threshing floor. Though I have been more like a Land Rover or satellite unit, not always by choice but by often by His good will and peace filling voice, I sometimes went out by another way leaving and returning in His way. I am proof of bravery. But also I proof of irony and penitence, I am also proof he uses the foolish things of this world to proclaim His love and power and shame the (self or dictate proclaimed) wise and bring hope to the humble and to some of those of Caesars household. But in all these seasons, my home beacon signal comes from Jesus, and though he sends me to the churches, to the bride, and peculiarly at times to places and in ways I could not imagine or arrange if I tried….until It blows my mind — I always originate from a beautiful family of real and regular people with an extraordinary God! I didn’t go somewhere better, I went out to bring the better I obtained and was apprehended for, with me, to make her better, for her best, and stem the tides, while she gets ready. Tell her to mourn and be comforted and get her dancing shoes on. I love you and our family with dearest love, a thankful heart, and a determination to finish the race better and bettering wherever He asks and I must! I look forward to seeing everyone again some time, God willing! His peace and nudge always, rule-George
Two times I encountered seen angels, where it was blatantly obvious after, both times I was unaware at first, and each time they were at the point of testing faith, intervening in a kronos/kairos and a kairos/kronos moment of test and lesson. Each were black men, each time different lessons, but both about walking in supernatural faith. In one instance i was exhorted to be advance prepared, up front learning, praise, trust and readiness, and in the other to not stop at the point of belief, not be moved and look further and deeper into Jesus within the context of the test and trial. And that was after I was openly singing and praising God declaring what He would do, the Holy Spirit assuring me as my efforts looked bleaker and the clock was ticking, I was replying back I know you are going to come through. Frankly, I was reaching farther in that moment than I ever have – and God sent me an angel in the form of a black man basically saying you just barely the surface and “you didn’t look far enough” and the thing I needed was provided where it did not exist before, but with the most living chiding 😃
On another subject, I thought this clip was spot on https://youtu.be/2d5Qw4F3Nlw