“The remorse of memory is the pain of having failed to enjoy yourself.“
It is sad to come to terms with the realization that we have not properly valued our past the way that we should.
Too many times I have ministered to people who have found that the days that are gone were actually happy, and that they unfortunately see the “light on the hill only when it is setting.” I say all this in order to remind everyone to count your sunbeams now and properly appraise and be thankful for the treasures that surround us today.
The rearview mirror perspective is quite limiting and filled with a great deal of regret. There is a cup of gladness to be shared now and a pleasant meal of gratitude that can leave one quite satisfied.
Though there is never a perfect day, there are perfect moments in the day that must be presently savored and cherished. As each car has a wide windshield, let it be the reminder to see clearly the beautiful and worthy things in the present.
A glance at the past is meant to merely give us perspective and remind us to make the present count.
Be thankful in this Christmas season and bless and be a blessing. And remember, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.” (Psalm 92:1)
Pastor Bob Barnett