In the days ahead, I want to look closely at a parable Jesus told recorded in Matthew 25:1-13. It is commonly known as “The Parable of the Ten Virgins (Bridesmaids).”
It is a parable Jesus told to illustrate a certain truth about his Second Coming.
The parable itself is a short masterpiece, with each detail adding a piece of crucial information. Take a moment to read the first piece of crucial information. It is found in one phrase in verse 10: “And the door was shut.”
There is an awful finality about those words. It means that the door was shut and locked and would not be opened again. Those on the inside were safely inside; those on the outside could never get in no matter how hard they tried.
The simple fact is that there is a “door” that leads to heaven. It is the door of God’s grace, held open by the bloody cross of Jesus Christ. For 2,000 years that door has been open to the entire world, and it is open even today. Over the door are these wonderful words: “Whosoever will may come.” Anyone, anywhere, anytime can go in that door and find new life, salvation, forgiveness, freedom, and eternal life.
But remember, there is a time limit to this opportunity. You have heard the phrase; “Get in while the getting is good.” In this case, “Get in while the getting is provided by God.”