There comes a time for each of us when merely talking about the Christian journey is NOT sufficient.
We must actually set out on the journey.
We can spend many hours debating and discussing issues related to the Christian life, but this means little if we never actually step out and follow Christ.
Christianity is not a set of teachings to understand. It is a Person to follow. Our mind can understand the way but only the heart can cause us to follow the One, Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Comment (1)
At least two or more….. John & Mary, Elijah and Elisha, Caleb and Joshua, Ruth and Mara!
The second book of Kings: The Book of Second Kings continues the drama begun in First Kings—the tragic story of two nations in a collision course with captivity. The author systematically traces the reigning monarchs of Israel and Judah, first by carrying in nation’s history forward, then retracing the same period for the other nation.
Nineteen consecutive evil kings rule in Israel, leading to captivity in Assyria. The picture is somewhat brighter in Judah, where godly kings occasionally emerge to reform the evils of their predecessors, however sin outweighs righteousness and Judah is marched off to Babylon. (Intro to Second Kings, NKJV Thomas Nelson Publishers)
It occurs to me, if you wanted to teach children about the Ten Commandments Spirit and Letter, and showed them 20 battle shields and placed the ten shields ten on the left and wrote on them each of them the words of each of the Ten Commandments; and on the right you a produced a representative picture of the mirrored pure meaning of those words – a story picture (full of redemption) related to that commandment in a biblical character (or in our own life), in that dim mirror you would see different images of redemption for each of us, different testimonies, different overcomings, but the God and the same essence of truth and realized meaning.
Looking to the left and to the right, every person over the course of their life would fall short in from 1 to all 10 areas, and only one could ever totally fulfill the words and the meaning, fulfill all the requirements. Then we have Jesus, who passed through the gauntlet perfectly, passing every test, fulfilling every commandment without error, unlocking the Way through for each of us, and with each of us who believe. No one could keep 10, or the meaning 20, except One
Every name of God in Hebrew is divisible 8
Every name of Satan, divisible by 6 or 13 (not to diminish the righteous meaning of these symbolic numbers)
This symbolic numbers are representative of His nature, perfect design, order and alive and active truths.
It is a sin so be guided or seek numerology, but the beauty of Godly truth (reflected in typology) is simple enough for children to understand and for God to guide us through difficult complexities as adults, because it always points to truth in the person of Jesus —and through the Holy Spirit’s anointing He teaches, guides, comforts, protects, and advocates…
I have a very good, but not fully complete memory of the dream God gave me this one dire night. Part of this is because, even though these vessels house His treasure, these bodies are still limited and can leak or forget certain items that were unforgettable Acts of God. Thus the need for remembrances, communion, celebrations, thanksgivings, and refreshed faith are so essential.
The news that dire night was not favorable,l. As my mom, was taken in for tests, the ICU/ER attending doctor told me her chances were grim, he’d never seen a brain tumor this large in a person still living. Many prayers were sent up that night. Being told it would be 2 – 3 hours while tests would be completed, I went to our van exhausted having told the doctor to call me on this new device called a cell phone. I collapsed in the van with the phone next to me, fully offered up, placing myself into God’s Hands, assured, yet not knowing how….but I was prepared for come what may, but not surrendered to any notion that the gift of science ruled over His last Word on any matter — and I fell asleep.
In my dream, I stood on a rock, there were tall evergreen trees and they were spaced out, in the water, and a mist was prevalent upon the water and between the trees whose tops I could not see. I believe I got out of the water and stood on the rock, but memory is imperfect here and I surely remember standing on the rock. The rest happened immediate fast.
There came on a horse a majestic rider, I could only see the lower part of His armor, bindings and clothing, The warriors sword hung down, no sheath, and words were written on it in the ancient language He gave His people – Hebrew. I only caught the detail of their imprint on the Sword, not the words – of which I did not understand, and would not have understood anyway without interpretation. This and what happened next were quick and happened fast.
As soon as I stood on the rock, from the cloud mist came a huge majestic rider on a horse, sword visible, coming closer and by me, tall and mighty, and He gave me the sword, put it in my hands. It surprising, because the sword was much bigger than me, it had weightiness, yet I could hold it though it was gigantic. Before I could process or even question, unexpectedly came a large dragon, lurching upon me, intent to devour and consume me. I wielded the sword swinging forward. I remember closing my eyes as the dragon lurched at me. My eyes closed, but with strength from within, I swung the sword into the dragon.
As I closed my eyes, and wielded the Sword given to me, I also opened my eyes and saw the cell phone display lit up as the phone was ringing.
I knew bad news was somehow being transformed to good news.
The doctor would tell me again now, the news was grim, that the tumor was so large, that not removing it would kill her and should have already; but, that removing it would be too much of a blood loss for her to live. But, a development had occurred! Amazingly, they had caught up with one of three doctors in the world who was almost to the airport for his holiday vacation was caught just in time and was coming back, and with consent would perform a new procedure to fill the tumor with small plastic medicine loaded tumor destructive plastic balls pushing the blood out and giving the tumor a blast of localized chemo.
And the tumor was removed. She lived more than 6 years more. Not always East years, but abundantly blessed in God!
They said however that she would never do math again. A week later, she did the bills for the first time in 6-7 months.
I know God heals, we have known God heals, and also allows trials and testing. Since my mom’s graduation to the Lord’s Beautiful Abode, I have been in a few jams where divine healing alone delivered me from invasive poisons.
And yet, another time, when knowing I was again in a similar situation many thousand miles from home, I was given wisdom. Those exact instructions were to not take the first reactive course of treatment for a long strip of boils rising up on my leg. These very specific steps given in the quiet were later confirmed as wisdom, by scientific medical tests which revealed a Staph infection mingled with a weaponized Korean War virus. And, I remember it taking all my strength to listen to the doctors full instructions. I was so weak. Taking three antibiotics, stacked, Including one from the 1950’s, worked and I was made better and recovered.
I have seen how God works within and outside of medical science. Times and seasons change but He does not.
Surely, He comes quickly…
I am still looking for more equivalents in the OT comparative to the disciple Jesus loved, but I believe there is one strong connection where Elijah and Ejijah intersect.
We cannot reduce our mighty God to a numbering system, nor do we follow one, neither can mankind, even with Satan’s help figure out or master God’s symbolic equations for He Alone, Jesus, is the differential In every problem, the righteous completer of simple and complex equations – without peer.
I wonder if John, in Patmos wondered, what’s next? I am still here because of the Lord….will they throw me in the ocean next? Will this be my last encore here? I don’t think He expected the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ. What a ride!
I didn’t expect the dragon to almost devour me, but that Sword and faith given me were and are overcoming through Him.
This I can testify
I am praying for many to wield His Sword and be led by His Spirit anointing according to their measure of faith given as God expects us to invest the faith and gifts we have been given…
Thankful for you, thought I would say hello. Have a great week
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, a High Priest forever acquainted with our temptations and light afflictions, Mighty and gentle beyond compare, without peer will grant us to overcome in ways we have not imagined through every circumstance.
We are fully in His Hands and oursued and ensued His unfailing love.
Have a great week!