I am always concerned about the burnout I often see in Christians after they have spent years running from place to place hoping to experience the next “big thing” in their walk with God. I am reminded of an illustration I read about what happened one New Year’s Day in the Tournament of Roses Parade. A beautiful float that was getting much attention for it’s creative portrayal of that years theme sputtered to a halt. It had simply run out of gas and held up the entire parade until someone could get a can of gas.
The amusing thing about the float was that it represented the Standard Oil Company. With its vast oil resources, it’s float was out of gas.
I pray that this is not the plight of the church, that though we are the well of salvation, a river of life, we somehow lose our power because we quit drinking in daily a genuine fresh supply in our relationship with God. He has provided His word as daily bread and His mercies are new every morning.
Please, taste and see that the Lord is good every day.