“The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1
One of the biggest contributors to not being content is for us to continually look to the future for happiness because of our unfilled expectations in the present. It is as if the devil knows ho to hang a happiness expectation as a carrot in front of our noses, leaving us racing towards a goal just ahead, all the while missing out on what blessings surround us . In such a hurry, we never learn to cherish nor savor moments. Because God is our shepherd, we tend to think He is leading us to a desired goal, when in reality we can depend on His presence and power each day to meet our needs.
We should invest in the present, and learn to cherish and savor the life we have been given. Life does not allow us more than one minute at a time, but we can abandon ourselves to God’s presence and His will, moment to moment. Life does not have to be consumed like fast food!!
God bless you all! ~Pastor Bob Barnett