“You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.” (2 Cor. 8:9)
Our church years ago studied the book “Experiencing God” by Blackaby.
The purpose was to deepen the relationship each of us had with the Lord and to realize the great need we have to know Him, not merely know about Him.
One chapter in particular was very challenging because it presented the truth that we can’t stay where we are and go with God. When Jesus told the people to “follow Me,” He was requiring some major adjustments. He was not asking them, or us, to do anything other than what He has done in coming into the world as a man. He was willing to leave heaven by “emptying Himself, taking the form of a bond servant, and being made in the likeness of men.”(Phil. 2:7) Noah, Abram, Moses, David, Jonah, Peter, James, John, and Saul, to name only a few, made significant adjustments in their life to follow God’s purpose for them. Likewise, we are called to make adjustments to be a part of what He is doing in our day and time. Sometimes the adjustments will have impact in our relationships including family, friends, and business acquaintances. At other times the adjustments will affect our way of thinking, or our commitments.
Blackaby presented a sure remedy I believe is very relevant today for the stagnancy that can so often creep into our soul. It can seem so safe to stay in one place like getting caught in the back eddy in a stream. There is no threat of strong currents or looming obstacles, but it is in those areas of circular slack water that debris collects creating an environment that will soon be putrid. God calls us to join Him in the move of His Spirit, but it requires courage, obedience, and faith to launch out into His purpose. However, when you see the results of the men and women in the Bible who responded to His call, it is easy to say there is no greater adventure with such lasting results.
I believe it is timely to remind us again, do not be afraid, launch out in grace, for fear will always stifle.