“You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14
A man was killed at a railroad crossing one summer evening in 1891. His relatives sued the railroad, claiming negligence on the part of the watchman. During the ensuing trial, the watchman was called to the witness stand. The prosecuting attorney asked him several questions. “Were you on duty at the crossing at the time of the accident?”
“Yes sir, I was.”
“Did you have a lantern?”
“Yes sir, I did.”
“Did you wave your lantern in warning?”
“Yes sir, several times.” Having answered in the affirmative to every question, the watchman helped the railroad win its case. An officer of the railroad came to see the watchman later to thank him for giving evidence in favor of the railroad.
The officer inquired, “Tell me, Mr. Jarvis, were you nervous during the questioning at the trial?” The watchman replied, “Yes, I feared every moment that he would ask, ‘Was the lantern lit?'”
Anyone can go through the motions of outward religiosity. We can wave our lanterns wildly, but it accomplishes nothing if we do not light them!
The night is dark. Many lost souls have no hope but us. Are our lights shining with the presence of God? Can they see the miracle of our souls illuminated with His glory?
“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16