“Did you never read the Scriptures, ” ‘The stone which the builders rejected, this became the chief cornerstone.’ ” Matt. 21:42
When we look at Jesus, it is hard to imagine that He was rejected by those “in the know.” Why was He rejected, one might ask? The answer is fairly simple and that is, that they did not like His leadership style. According to their scheme of things, they wanted a political figure who would be decisive and lead them to their future of rule and success. It didn’t matter that He had done miracles and had spoken truth, albeit not always designed to tickle their ears that were so self focused. In the end they chose Barrabas, a convicted murderer, who grievously broke one of the ten commandments, over Jesus who fulfilled them all.
In the end days it will be the same. There will be the desire to choose the message of the politician over the message of the preacher. The benevolent giving of the public official will be applauded, while the benevolent life of the many faithful pastors will be ignored.
But in the end, just like Jesus, that which is rejected will be the cornerstone.