In Acts 17, Paul traveled to Athens as directed by God. As he walked the streets, he noticed there were idols everywhere. In fact he said in Acts 17, he struggled to find a man amongst all the idols!
The Bible tells us Paul would go to various areas of Athens and he would “reason” with the people about who the true God is, because Athens was known for its “freedom of speech.” As he did this, the Jews, who resided in Athens, were jealous of Paul’s “power” which was really the power of the Holy Spirit, and they stir up the crowds say, “Don’t let him speak!” They stirred up hate and strife against Paul and the true Word of God. Sound familiar?
Not only was Athen full of idols, but it was full of altars to false gods. The people were really searching for the truth. In fact “cancel culture” was the norm. They were willing to fit the true God on an altar. But our God does not fit on any altar. He is the Maker of the heavens and the earth. God cannot be contained in a neat image. Man cannot cancel the true God.
In 2021, we cannot be afraid of discussion in relation to who the true God is…who Jesus is. We are to imitate Paul…he reasoned with the pagan unbelievers; he wasn’t afraid of being “canceled.”
2021 is the year of lights…the year of God’s blessings! Enter in the new year with who the true Lord is on your lips and treasure His guidance in your hearts! And then…share His precious message of salvation! The time is getting short!