In 2 Kings 4:21 the Shunammite woman had lost her only son who had been given to her as a special gift of God.
What could she do holding him there in her arms?
She did what we all must do with things beyond our control and power. “And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door behind him, and went out.”
She laid her burden before the Lord and left it there.
She did one of the most difficult things to do: to leave our burdens with the Lord after we have put them there!
In fact, the hardest thing to do is shut the door.
We tend to leave the door open and stare at our trouble; we draw close to it and go over the situation again and again. We think that the situation needs our presence when all that is needed is His.
It takes real faith for us to let a matter that is troubling us pass from our hands into God’s hands. In no other way can the Lord fully work on our behalf.