We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy.” Psalm 126:2 NLT
I don’t know how long it has been since you watched Mary Poppins but it might do many of us good to remember the character of Bert, Mary Poppins chimney sweep.
It says of him that he spends his days “in ashes and smoke,” but “in this ‘ole world there is no happier bloke!”
Bert goes into the darkness every single day. He cleans out ashes, gets covered in soot, but he still manages to attract friends like Mary Poppins and Uncle Albert. He works a day job and finds time for creative pursuits like chalk drawings and dancing. Why? Because Bert sees himself as blessed. He feels happy and wants to share it, and in so doing, gets showered with even more blessings and love.
Bert is a professional in gelotology, the study of laughter. He laughs and sings and it lifts him and those around him.
Maybe it is time to become experts in gelotology by remembering how blessed we really are!!