“And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.” Acts 2:1
The word “together” is a powerful word and carries with it incredible potential and fulfillment.
As a family I have prayed that God would always keep us together not allowing anything to tear at us and pull us apart as can happen in this fallen world.
I truly believe that being together was the first miracle of Pentecost and what the Holy Spirit wants to do most in our lives.
You see, in simplest explanation, heaven is where everyone is together, and Hell is where everyone is apart.
It is no wonder that one of my wife’s all time favorite songs is the song “Happy Together” by the Turtles.
As Christians it is not our goal to just be in one place, but to be together in one place. That is the place of His presence, power, and our happiness.