Isaiah 43:18-19. “Do not call to mind the former things or consider things of the past. Behold I am going to do something new. Now it will spring up; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”
The prophet Isaiah speaks words of hope to the people of Israel. The desert shall burst into bloom like a crocus, water will gush forth in the wilderness, streams will rise in the desert, and the burning sand will become a pool. These are the images of hope to the people dried up by pain and suffering.
God promises even to make a way for them in the wilderness, and He will do the same thing for us in our journey of a New Year. All God asks of us is to not be stifled by the past but be expectant and alert to observe what blessing He will bring into our lives in 2022.
The only question God poses through Isaiah, the prophet – Will we be aware of the new thing God is doing this New Year?