“If any two of you agree touching any matter on this earth, it shall be done.” ~ Matthew 18:19
God’s word tells us the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective, yet something extraordinary happens when two or more agree together in prayer.
When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the, “I Prayed For You” button so that person knows how many times their request has been lifted up!
Kakkerla pramod
Sir I'm kakkerla pramod goud from India sir I'm suffering with severe evil spirits problems and severe demonic powers problems in head sir since 2years I'm suffering sir my parents taken me to many doctors and astrolgers sir they spend 3lacs on me sir but there is no use sir with my problems my father expired with heart stroke sir my wife leaved me sir with all this problems I did a suicide attempt sir now I'm in iccu sir doctors did all tests and said by taking poison which is used for agriculture seed fertilizer it destroyed entire body immunity strength levels and there is only 10percent strength levels is there in my body sir no use with powerful imported strength injections sir doctors said my case is very critical if with in 12hours time if any improvement in body immunity strength levels improvement up to 80percent to support the treatment if not it leads to coma paralysis stage doctors declared sir I didn't know any other prayer help sir I need your world wide prayer help emergency